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dowe 31.12.2012 15:34

In Sickness and in Health
hallo zusammen


Bali’s Sanglah General Hospital Fails to Win International Accreditation

A yearlong effort by Bali’s main general hospital – Rumah Sakit Sanglah to obtain certification from Joint Commission International (JCI) have yet to meet with success.

Internationally recognized since 1994, JCI is represented in more than 90 countries providing health care organizations, governments, and international advocates rigorous standards of care to achieve peak performance. JCI provide international accreditation, education and advisory services.

The JCI review covers all clinical and managerial functions of acute care hospitals.

A team from JCI has just concluded a week survey of Sanglah General Hospital concluding that Bali main hospital still falls sort in areas that preclude full accreditation.

As reported by Radar Bali, the chief director of Sanglah General Hospital, dr. Wayan Sutarga admitted his hospital's failure to meet JCI standards, including the quality of the building, the hospitals ability to control infection and the fit out of bathroom facilities. JCI also requires that bathtubs in the hospital must be replaced with showers.
According to Dr. Sutarga, of the 1,218 separate standards of service from JCI, only 36 remain unfulfilled by Sanglah General Hospital. Of the remaining 36 unmet standards, 24 criteria are non-medical in nature with the remaining 12 of a medical nature. In the words of Dr. Sutarga, “it can be said that the Sanglah General Hospital has met the predicate of ‘almost excellent.’"

A repeat visit by JCI will be carried out in three month’s time to determine if all the necessary conditions are in place and have been met to allow accreditation at that time.

traveltho 01.01.2013 01:09

lustig, was da so publiziert wird.
<O:pAlso JCI macht auf Anfrage immer erst mal eine erste Inspektion.
<O:pAufgrund der dabei gemachten Ergebnisse, gibt JCI Empfehlungen und Hilfen in Form von Schulungen und Trainings.
<O:pNach der Implementierung all dieser Punkte macht JCI eine zweite „Begehung“ bevor eine Zertifikationsprüfung gemacht wird. Diese endet erneut mit einer entsprechenden Bewertung/Empfehlung.
<O:pErst danach kommt es auf Anfrage zu einer Zertifikationsprüfung in Form einer erneuten Begehung.
Und es gibt zwar viele „no-go’s“, aber das Fehlen einer Dusche im Badezimmer gehört wahrlich nicht dazu.

dowe 01.01.2013 09:32

hallo zusammen

@ thomas

danke fuer die infos ;)

hatte mir so etwas schon gedacht , ist ja manches mal verwunderlich was in der presse geschrieben wird .

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