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Alt 01.08.2010, 08:54   #1
Benutzerbild von Mahalo
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Schwere Regenfälle auf Bali

Quelle: balidiscovery


Bali Floods
Flash Floods Submerge Parts of South Bali.
(7/31/2010) Heavy rains that fell in south Bali on Thursday, July 27, 2010, caused serious flooding in certain areas with some roads becoming submerged below 1 meter of flood water.
In once instance, reports, more than 100 people who live in the vicinity of Jalan Dewi Sri in Kuta were forced to evacuate their homes as the one meter high water inundated their homes and businesses.
Yanto, a local resident in the affected area, said severe flooding now occurs at least four times every year, whenever heavy rains fall. "The height is one meter, but if the rains are heavier the water can reach the level of the mouth of a standing adult," explained Yanto.
Other areas badly affected by Thursday's rain were Kuta, Jalan Kunti, the police barracks on Jalan Ngurah Rai and various locations in the capital of Denpasar.
Flooding in Sidakarya region of Sanur swept through that area at 1:00 a.m. waking local residents from their sleep as they fled for higher ground. Three cows owned by a local farmer were swept away by the flood water and found dead some distance away the following morning.
The flood waters also affected residential areas on Jalan Pura Demak, Padangsambian, West Denpasar that were also submerged by flood waters. Two elementary schools on the banks of the Muding river were partially buried under mud brought by flood waters.
Viele Grüße Mahalo

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